About this event:
Ladies, why not come along, bring a friend or two, to a Bring & Share supper on Wednesday 29thMay at the Hub in Lyme Regis starting at 7pm until 9pm to hear about the amazing services available that are provided by the Dorset Woman’s Refuge, The Friends of the Refuge and the Women’s Action Network Dorset – WAND.
Let’s support other women who find themselves needing these services in what ever way we can. There will be entertaining speakers, food and information about the work undertaken, how to access these services plus information on hand on how you may like to help and get involved with these organisations because they need more helpers, leaders, voices – whatever skills you can offer to keep them going.
If you just want to come along for the social you can it would be lovely to meet up with you and other Lyme Bay Ladies and there is no obligation to sign up to anything.
We are also seeing donations of items for the Women’s Refuge, this could be for the women themselves, their children or the Refuge itself so please bring them along on the night if you have stuff.
Please share this with your friends and let’s have an amazing social with food.