Events > 2022 > November > Social Coffee Morning & Networking - Axminster

About this event:

Created by Lisa Eastwood


We at the Axminster Wellbeing Centre are delighted to be hosting an LBL coffee morning.

It will be a great opportunity to come and take a look around our lovely facility here in Axminster and meet some of our therapists. We will also have a talk by LBL Gemma Norris:

Gemma will introduce her Health Empowerment LOVE2HEAL course and the infinity health hub. Healing through self love and acceptance with an example of the meditations/visualisation in the course.

The Axminster Wellbeing Centre has been an intergral part of the Axminster Community for over 40 years. We are a registered charity and our mission is to make Complementary Therapies and Holistic movement classes accessible to all in the community.

We have 5 affordable therapy rooms available to rent along with a larger room for classes and events. And we host therapists with a wide range of treatments and skills including…

Therapeutic Massage
Crainal Sacral/Osteopathy
Bowen Therapy
Energy Healing

And classes including
Qi Gong

The Centre is also the base for the Axminster Food Bank, and much more….

Becky will be there to tell us more about the Centre and answer your questions.

So why not come along and join us for a coffee and a cake, meet new ladies in the area, and find out more about what we do.

Tickets will go on sale in October to cover the cost of refreshments and any profit to our charity. If you pop your name as going here we will give you first option to book on – thank you for your support.