We had a great morning at the LBL Connect Exeter today. Thank you to all the fabulous ladies that came along 💜
We heard some inspiring stories and discussed our individual struggles, some of which were incredibly relatable. It’s really refreshing to have a supportive space with likeminded women in business, where we can openly discuss these things.
The main struggles mentioned were:
⌚️ Time management/work life balance
💫 Marketing & social media
🙋‍♀️ Attracting clients/cash flow
💻 Tech/automation
We’ll have a look into running some talks/workshops to tackle some of these areas. 🤓
Thank you to the lovely Lisa Eastwood for creating such a welcoming and comfortable environment.
We’ll be at Business Fest South West at Westpoint on the 2nd April – grab a free attendee ticket and come join us! Then back at the George & Dragon on Wednesday 7th May.
We look forward to seeing you soon 🩵
Amy x

5th Mar 2025

Another full house with lots of laughter and a few tears

Amy Sugrue

LBL Ambassador - Devon, https://www.onpointva.co.uk