This week we were pleased to host the Lyme Bay Ladies coffee morning here at the Wellbeing Centre.
We heard from our resident Remedial Massage, Myofascial Release and Reiki practitioner, and creator of The Infinity Health Hub, Gemma Norris, who got us all tribal dancing and accessing our divine feminine power all before 10am!
And, of course, there was cake! 

It was a fun, empowering session and fabulous to meet so many women from all walks of life. 

Thanks to all who came along and helped make it a successful morning. We can’t wait for the next one where we’ll be hearing from our resident hypnotherapist Danielle Downey of @freedomhypnotherapypractice who’ll be talking to us all about managing stress.
Thank you to all who donated. We raised over £80 for the Centre.
3rd Nov 2022
Thank you for coming along and supporting us.