Email: info@dawngosdencoaching.co.uk
Name: Dawn Gosden
Membership Level: Business
Tel: 07881950323
Name of business: Dawn Gosden Coaching Psychology
Business Type: Coaching Psychologist and Coach Supervision
Business Description: As a Coaching Psychologist, Dawn can help you, or your team, understand how your expertise and strengths can be used in new and different ways to improve the quality of your personal, or professional life, enhance your work performance, effectively navigate life and career transitions and enjoy a fulfilling career. Through her dual British Psychological Society (BPS) Charterships in Coaching Psychology and Business Psychology, Dawn applies her in-depth knowledge and post-graduate degree levels of qualifications in Psychology, to really understand how people's minds work, how they think, feel and behave. Applying this knowledge to her coaching practice, Dawn matches her coaching to your unique situation and organisational context (where applicable), ensuring it it always anchored in leading edge coaching psychology theory and best practice. Her coaching style integrates cognitive behavioural, solutions focused and positive psychology models and approaches. For leaders, teams and individuals facing uncertain times and complex challenges, or stuck in indecision and negative thinking, Dawn helps them change limiting thoughts and beliefs which may be holding them back into more helpful, positive thought patterns. A curious innovator, not afraid to challenge and provoke deep thinking and reflection, Dawn supports the improvement of self-awareness, the discovery of blind-spots, improvement of key working relationships and the unleashing of true potential, leading to fulfilling lives and careers. Dawn brings to her coaching practice 25 years experience in business as a BPS Chartered and HCPC Registered Occupational Psychologist and 16 years experience as a BPS Chartered Coaching Psychologist and MISCP Accredited Coaching Psychologist, together with 7 years experience as a BPS Registered and MISCP Accredited Coach Supervisor, gained in London based Corporate Centre HR roles and large UK wide dispersed organisations. She undertakes regular continued professional development and supervised practice to ensure the highest quality and standards in the coaching services she offers. Her extensive Business and Coaching Psychology knowledge and experience includes designing and implementing two corporate centre coaching strategies and becoming a published author in Coaching Psychology in 2019, contributing Chapter 6: Building individual futures: education to prepare people for work in 'Young People, Employment and Work Psychology (Dr. Angela Carter, ed., Routledge, 2019). All this adds up to a solid foundation and experience in coaching, which Dawn is passionate to share with the clients she works with.
Website: www.dawngosdencoaching.co.uk
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