Email: info@reflexologybyrowena.co.uk
Name: Rowena Durrant
Membership Level: Business
Tel: 07849179150
Loretto Road
EX13 5BX
Name of business: Reflexology by Rowena (R&R)
Business Type: Reflexology
Business Description: I can help you with your well-being goals through reflexology treatments.
I offer:
- foot reflexology (best for overall health and well-being)
- face reflexology (best for sleep issues, sinus problems and headaches)
- hand reflexology including tips of how to treat reflexes on your own hands
- pre- conception and maternity reflexology
- reflexology to help children and teens
- reflexology for menopause is coming up soon on my treatment list!
Website: www.reflexologybyrowena.co.uk
Exclusive offer to LBL Members: 20% off first treatment and then 10% off all subsequent appointments.