Email: sueurquhartbowen@gmail.com
Name: Sue Urquhart
Membership Level: Business
Tel: 07939135123
Beacon Hill cottage
EX13 7LB
Name of business: Sue Urquhart Bowen
Business Type: Bowen Therapy. Scar Therapy.
Business Description: Bowen is a gentle hands on therapy for all types of pain and body imbalances.
Especially good for back ache, spinal issues including sciatica, also shoulder and neck problems.
Scar Therapy: This is an amazing gentle technique that releases the physical & emotional tensions causes by scars. Allowing increased mobility and better fluid draining plus much more. I have additional training for scars from cancer surgery that can produce astounding results.
TMJ Jaw dysfunction therapy - helping with headaches and jaw problems.
Website: https://www.sueurquhartbowen.com
Exclusive offer to LBL Members: Every 5th therapy session FOC FREE