Email: connect@nicolamoss.co
Name: Nicola Moss
Membership Level: Premium
Name of business: Roots & Wings
Business Type: Systemic Coaching & Family Constellations
Business Description: Systemic Coaching & Constellations rooted in embodied practice & timeless wisdom
Supporting individuals and heart-led businesses to clear energetic blockages and illuminate their path forward. As a systemic practitioner, my work draws on family constellations, heart-led business and leadership, shamanic practices, energy work and sound medicine.
My offerings have been created to support the release of what feels blocked and to take meaningful steps towards balance and flow.
* 1:1 Coaching & Constellations
* Group Constellation Workshops
* 'Explore the Soul of Your Business' workshop
* 1:1 Energy Field Healing
What does it mean to work systemically?
Each of us belongs to a multitude of systems; the family we’re born into, the friendships we cultivate, the teams we work with, and the cultures and communities we engage with. The overlapping beliefs, standards, values and expectations that we inherit from these systems shape our emotional DNA, and, therefore can inform our dynamics and behaviours invisibly from behind the scenes.
Systemic work invites us to look under the surface of these relationships and explore the ways in which our internal and external worlds interact with each other. Through tapping into our embodied sense of knowing we can access information about where and how we stand in connection to it all; and most importantly, we can make changes.
Website: https://www.nicolamoss.co/
Exclusive offer to LBL Members: 10% reduced fee on first 1:1 coaching or constellation session