Events > 2022 > October > Bridport Networking

About this event:

Created by Lisa Eastwood

A G Down, 66 South Street, Bridport, DT6 3NN

Tickets need to be purchased in advance on Eventbrite HERE

Relaxed, social networking with positivity and inspiration. Warm welcomes, getting to know you and a chance to enjoy great company!

Our Guest Speaker will be LBL Clare Love – Natural Menopause Coach:

‘The Magic in The Menopause – Your Gateway For Transformation!’

Clare talks about her own personal journey into the menopause and how it can be used as a call to action with lifechanging outcomes! A positive and inspiring view of the menopause in celebration of National Menopause Month.

Come along and meet our Bridport Ambassador, Jess Brooks from Bowes Brooks Accountants and her team who will be co-hosting this event. Jess has found Lyme Bay ladies a great way to connect locally for both work and social and is really looking forward to meeting everyone.

Women only, in a fabulous private room thanks to LBL Karen Hussey from AG Down & WG Potter. Refreshments will be provided – coffee, tea and cake or biscuits.

Tickets are £5 each for members and £10 for non-members.

Any questions email

Jess (Bowes Brooks) & Lisa (Lyme Bay Ladies)