About this event:
Friday feel good, friendship and fresh air…..with Lisa Monger @Rebel Health
Good morning you lovely lot!
If you have heard me talk about movement and health (I post a fair bit too) then you’ll know that my aim is to improve your human experience, to help you be around as long as possible in the best condition possible, to do cool shizzle with the people you love.
I know from speaking to a few of you that it can be daunting to get going (I understand this, I genuinely do), but would LOVE to be more active, have more adventures and meet more people.
So who would be keen to meet for a walk (I’ve got a lush little route through woodland that I do in Lyme, finishing with an optional dip in the sea?
If you’ve never been in the sea before, I can help guide you, or you can watch from the beach, have a paddle, whatever feels right for you.
The walk will take around 1hr ish then head to the beach for the optional dip and a hot drink.
Would be lovely to see some of you there, no charge, no expectations, just a bit of Feelgood Friday. (If it’s raining, we’ll still be going, no such thing as bad weather just inappropriate clothing!)
Meet at Uplyme Village Hall at 9:15am