Events > 2024 > May > LBL Connect - Bridport

About this event:

Created by Lisa Eastwood

A G Down, 66 South Street, Bridport


Relaxed, social networking with positivity and inspiration. Warm welcomes, getting to know you and a chance to enjoy great company!

9am – 9:30 Coffee & catch up (so don’t worry if you can’t make it for 9!)

9:30 – 10:30 Introductions & guest speaker

10:30 – 11am Q&A and more networking

This months guest speaker is LBL Adela Mei from Jackdaw Coaching:

Have you got in a muddle with your marketing? Messed up your website? Can’t log into your accounts? Or just got overwhelmed and fed up with all the tech? And all the things?

I’m here to help! Join our Business Clinic and we’ll answer all your questions and help you simplify things and get you organised.

Websites. Squarespace or WordPress? Instagram. Social Media. Facebook Profile or Page? Email marketing. Mail chimp or Convertkit? Canva. Social Media Posts. Authentic networking. Organic marketing. Linkedin. YouTube. Content. Video. And more…! Take your pick!

And before we get started – download this free guide to help get your accounts organised – it’s going to help – a lot!!!!!

Women only, in a fabulous private room thanks to LBL Karen Hussey from AG Down & WG Potter. Refreshments will be provided – coffee, tea and cake or biscuits.

Tickets are:

£7.50 for LBL members with valid membership card

£12.50 for non-members

Both include refreshments.

To get the discounted ticket please join us for your membership number at and if you would prefer to pay direct by BACs:
Account Name: Lyme Bay Ladies
Sort code: 04-00-03
Account number: 31844959
Ref: (your name)(date of event)

Contact us at for more information
